Why Make a Podcast?
Companies like Amazon and Spotify are investing heavily in podcasts. Public awareness and ad revenue for podcasts is stronger than ever. Check out this Forbes article on the subject… And this article with statistics about podcast listeners.
Podcasts are a central part of establishing a name for yourself or your business. Along with your website, YouTube videos, and social media posts, a podcast will become an essential part of your platform.
Creating a specialized podcast will attract a small but devoted audience who will evangelize to others. This audience is also attractive to advertisers looking to reach a specific group.
It’s just fun. Even if you’re not interested in fame and fortune, podcasting is a blast. Meet your heroes, connect with like-minded fans, and learn a ton about your favorite topic.
Podcasting with Steve
Whether I’m editing a documentary in the Galápagos Islands, shooting photos in Antarctica, or eating a slice of pizza in the park, chances are high that I’m listening to a podcast. My passion for narrative-radio shows inspired me to study media in college, and that ultimately led to my incredible career.
Over the years, I’ve been lucky to have a hand in producing several excellent podcasts:
Reality Escape Pod
I oversee recording and edit audio for this popular podcast about Escape Room creation. The first episode features Neil Patrick Harris as a guest!
Pet Project Podcast
I was the co-creator, producer, and editor of this podcast for Sarah, who ran a fantastic blog of news, advice, and projects for pets.
About to Review
I was a frequent guest on John’s podcast, where we reviewed movies, television, and games. May contain some silliness.
If you need help deciding on the format of your podcast, check out these other top-tier podcasts, sorted by type. I personally recommend all of them.
If you’ve already got the rough idea of your podcast in mind but need to work through some of the details, use this form!